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Is Depression a Disability?

Leavitt Meunier Law LLC Oct. 5, 2023

If you or someone you love suffers from depression, then you understand just how debilitating it can be. What many people are unaware of is that depression is one of the conditions that are covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

The reason that depression is one of the conditions covered under the ADA is how the ADA defines a disability. Specifically, a person has a disability if they have a mental or physical health problem that can limit a major life activity. It does not matter whether that limitation applies to work or taking care of themselves.

At Leavitt & Meunier Law LLC, we can help determine if your disability is among the list of qualifying disabilities put in place by the federal government.

What Is a Disability?

In general, a disability is a condition that can limit a person's ability to the extent they are unable to fully participate in home or work lives. Today, thanks to technological advances, people who have a disability are more likely to be able to participate more fully in what is going on in their home or at their place of work.

Unfortunately, technology cannot always help a disabled person fully participate in daily activities. When you or someone you love is suffering from depression, you should contact a disability lawyer who can help you apply for benefits. At Leavitt & Meunier Law, LLC, we have years of experience representing people who qualify for disabilities in the Metairie, Lousiana.

Common Conditions that Qualify for Disability

A host of physical and mental health conditions may allow someone to qualify to receive Social Security disability payments. Because the list of conditions is so extensive, it is helpful to consider them in categories. The categories are defined as the "Social Security Blue Book" and include:

  • Cardiovascular disorders

  • Digestive conditions

  • Endocrinological disorders

  • Genitourinary conditions

  • Hematological disorders

  • Immune system disorders

  • Mental disorders

  • Multiple body system disorders

  • Musculoskeletal issues

  • Neoplastic diseases and cancers

  • Neurological disorders

  • Respiratory conditions

  • Skin disorders

  • Vision, hearing, and speech disorders and diseases

While these categories may appear broad, they are done this way to ensure that people understand that a spectrum of diseases and disorders may qualify them to apply for disability payments.

Filing for disability payments can be a complicated process. Any errors made in the original application will result in starting the process from scratch. Those who believe they may be eligible for Social Security payments because of depression should contact our team, as we have experience handling the application process.

Qualifying for Disability with Depression

Depression can include a loss of interest in normal activities, decreased energy levels, and disturbances in normal sleep patterns. However, merely having these symptoms will not be enough to help someone qualify for Social Security payments.

As with any other type of disability, applicants will have to provide extensive documentation which may include: 

Doctor's reports Information about your daily activity level List of medications you are taking Medical and treatment history since depression onset Reports from a psychologist or psychiatrist regarding your depression

Submitting the appropriate documentation along with the initial disability application is crucial. Missing documents can result in a denial or request for additional information, which could delay the receipt of much-needed financial relief.

Working with a professional who understands disability application issues can help keep the process on track by ensuring that the initial documentation is sufficient to meet the requirements of the Social Security Administration (SSA).

Rely on the Professionals at Leavitt & Meunier Law LLC

Leavitt & Meunier Law LLC is located in Metairie, Louisiana, and is prepared to help those suffering from any disability, including depression submit an application for disability payments. We understand the process can be daunting, but we can guide you through the process. Contact our offices today by calling us, or use our online contact form to schedule a free consultation today.